

Senior Software Developer

Always being faithful, optimistic, open-minded, cheerful, active, creative, and hardworker has been my greatest strength. I am always eager to meet new people and expand my network. I believe learning is a never-ending process; therefore I never stop learning and improving my knowledge, my ideas and skills.

My previous organizational and professional experiences have enabled me to work efficiently in a team or individual, as well as having faith and knowledge of leadership, communication and inter-personal skills.

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  • Institut Teknologi Bandung
    December 2014 - March 2017

    Qualification:Master's Degree
    Field of Study:Electrical Engineering
    Major:Telematics and Networking
    Graduated:March 2017
    Paper Publication:2016, The 2nd International Conference on Wireless and Telematics (ICWT), IEEE : “Proposed New Heuristic Algorithm For Travelling Salesman Problem Based From Minimum Link”.

    Presented on ICWT 2016, August 1-2, 2016 Grand Aston Hotel, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

    Status : Published in IEEE Xplore
    Thesis:Visual Cryptography Implementation in E-Voting System to Increase Anonymity.

    Status : Submitted on ICSITech 2017.

  • Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
    August 2010 - March 2014

    Qualification:Bachelor's Degree
    Field of Study:Informatics
    Major:Web Engineering
    Graduated:June 2014
    Thesis:Model Prediksi Hujan Dengan Kombinasi Metode Double Exponential Smooth, Thiessen Polygon, dan Isohyetal Wilayah Stasiun Iklim Jawa Tengah.

Work Experiences

  • Senior Software Developer
    August 2017 - Present

    SariRasa Group, Jakarta.

    Responsibility: as Senior Software Developer position, I made several internal software development project, such as :

    1. SISBOH System - Internal system for input data and processing data to core business database, the data can be sync to Sate Khas Senayan store system. This Project developed under Perl Programming Language, and JQuery.

    2. EDC Research - Internal research to develop and breakdown wireless EDC machine - CRC16 algorithm, and to sending the data through COM ports.

    3. BARCODESYS System - Internal system to create and print thermal barcode to kitchen section, so when there are new order in the store, then the system will create and print thermal barcode to different section, for example for bakaran kitchen, rebusan kitchen, etc. This system is useful to chef in our store to remind their next job. This Project developed under Perl Programming Language, and JQuery.

    4. CHECKERSYS System - Internal system to display the new order and time in the different section in store kitchen. This Project developed under Perl Programming Language, and JQuery.

    5. Walkthrough System Web Services (WalkthroughAPI) - This middleware developed for bridging the mobile clients (no.6) in central kitchen and store, Employee that works in the central kitchen need to maintain any machine and security around the central kitchen building, they will need to upload the images at the specific location and time. Also PJS (Penanggung Jawab Store) in the store need to upload images always to make sure all store flow match with the store SOP. This Project developed under Java EE Programming Language and Spring Framework.

    6. Sarirasa Mobile Walkthrough - Client system used by employee in the central kitchen and store PJS (see no.5). This Project developed under Java Android Programming.

    7. Sarirasa Go Mobile Web Services (SarirasaAPI) - On Going Project - This project will go public to redeem sarirasa voucher by points. This Project developed under Java EE Programming Language and Spring Framework.

  • IT Programmer Officer
    April 2017 - August 2017

    Yayasan Pendidikan Agung Podomoro, Podomoro University, Jakarta.

    Responsibility: 1. Develop web based id-card template generator (incl. photo editing) for university needed.
    2. Finding web bugs in Sistem Informasi Akademik (implemented before) and fixing them.
    3. Deploy and maintain Repository System under Linux Ubuntu / Debian Distro.
    4. Deploy and maintain Open Journal System under Linux CentOS Distro.
    5. Network Maintain.

  • Lecturers Assistant
    ~ 2016

    Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Bandung.

    Course:Object Oriented Programming.
    Responsibility: Help lecturer to explain programming lesson to students using Java Language and Blue-J IDE.

  • Freelance Developer
    2013 - till death

    Everywhere on earth.

    Intro:I loveeeee to develop the software!. I'am happy to do research for Web Techniques, Middleware Applications, and new PHP Framework, and for new programming techniques also.
    Responsibility: Client's smiley.

  • Mobile and Web Developer Intern
    August - November 2013

    PT. Hartono Istana Teknologi (POLYTRON), Kudus.

    Report:“Perancangan dan Implementasi Aplikasi Penjualan Produk Berbasis Android Dengan Menggunakan Teknologi RESTful Web Service Studi Kasus Pada PT.Hartono Istana Teknologi (Polytron) Kudus”.
    Responsibility: 1. Build android mobile application for reading products barcode data.
    2. SQLLite Database Implementation.
    3. Offline sales.
    4. Sync data to server while Online or using WiFi connection.
    5. Sales report.
    6. MySQL database.
    7. Build offline Web application for maintain and input new product data.

My Address

Jalan Salam Raya No.21 Blok JK, Kota Adm. Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta.

Mobile Number


About Me

Programming <3